Exploring the Power of Machine Learning Algorithms

Diploma in data science UK

Posted on Sep 18, 2023 at 03:09 PM

Machine learning algorithms are some of the most logistic ways to learn about types of data and how they interact with each other. 

Have you ever wondered why some products score well in the market while others don't? Why do some companies seem to go from one success to the other while others fail? 

The answer lies in machine learning algorithms, and in this article, we've shared some of the key points and examples of how powerful these algorithms can be.

Why are machine learning algorithms powerful?

Think of a magic box; you put random complex data into it, and it automatically tells you how this data computationally relates to each other. This box is so advanced that it can even perform a mathematical analysis and give you a solid prediction of the future. 

In simple terms, this box enables you to find the underlying correlation between specific data and then use that correlation to predict the future. T

This box is machine learning algorithms; through training machine learning algorithms, you can improve Facilities Management and decision-making using data science techniques and effectively make better daily decision choices. 

What are the algorithms for machine learning?

This is a fundamental question that every Diploma in data science UK tackles in their curriculum. Machine learning algorithms can be categorised into four main groups; the most common include:


  • Supervised learning algorithms:

Let's explain supervised learning through this simple example: Let's say you're trying to teach a computer how to play checkers; you would provide it with examples of correct moves and incorrect moves. The computer uses these examples to determine what makes a move a good or a bad one so it can make its own logistic decision accordingly.

So, supervised learning means you feed predetermined, structured data into the machine (a computer, an artificial intelligence, etc.). You already know the outcomes and what each process will lead to, and the engine finds an algorithm or pattern that connects each input with its output.

Supervised learning is an umbrella term that broadly includes forecasting, regression and classification.


  • Semi-supervised learning:

This method of machine learning methods means that you give the machine some data and some labels, but not all of them are labelled. The device finds the patterns in the data and uses those patterns to predict the labels for unlabeled examples. 


  • Unsupervised learning:

This type of learning is when you don't provide any labels or outcomes but instead let the machines learn from their inputs and find meaningful relationships between unstructured data through trial and error.


  • Reinforcement learning:

This method of machine learning algorithms uses a feedback loop to train the machine. Simply said, the device is given an objective and then tries to achieve it by making decisions. It then receives feedback from those decisions and then makes predictions and decisions in the future based on those feedback results.

What are the top 10 machine learning algorithms examples?

Now that we understand why machine learning algorithms are so popular and have been introduced to the types of these algorithms and how they work, it's time to get to know the top 10 standard Machine Learning algorithms; here they are:

  • Linear Regression

  • Logistic Regression

  • Decision Trees

  • SVM (Support Vector Machine)

  • Naive Bayes

  • kNN (k- Nearest Neighbors)

  • K-Means

  • Random Forest

  • Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms

  • Gradient Boosting Algorithms


How to use machine learning algorithms in your company?

Using machine learning to predict outcomes is one of the Critical Data Analysis Steps for Improved Business Results and can easily affect how you run your business. However, you can't go around making random decisions; here's what to do with what you've learned so far:

  1. Choose an algorithm based on your problem type:

 It might be common sense to say this, but different problems call for other solutions. And you need to consider that when thinking of machine learning algorithms. 

For example, a decision tree is your best bet if you're looking to build a model that predicts customer churn. On the other hand, if your goal is to indicate whether or not someone will buy a product based on their browsing behaviour, then kNN or SVM might be better options.


  1. Evaluate its performance over a test dataset:

Remember when we talked about labelled and unlabelled datasets? This is how they come into play. Right after you've got your results from the algorithm, you have to test it on a validation dataset to make sure what you're doing applies to real-life data and you weren't limited to your sample group. 


  1.  Implement the model into production:

Once you've trained and tested the model, it's time to implement it into production, basically taking your model and feeding it real-world data to produce predictions and checking those results. Do they work? How many predictions has the machine got wrong? 


  1. Monitor and tune it as needed: 

This is one of the best steps to improve data management. You'll want to monitor the performance of your model over time. This is especially important if you've implemented a model into production and are making predictions; you need to know when changes are required.


To sum it up,

Machine learning algorithms are potent and can be used to solve various problems. But this power comes with a price: you must understand how they work and what's happening under the hood! That's why you need to know about machine learning algorithms today.