Terms And Conditions

- Introduction

These terms and conditions apply between you, the User of this Website (including any sub-domains, unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions), and London Premier Centre, the owner and operator of this Website. Please read these terms and conditions carefully, as they affect your legal rights. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions is deemed to occur upon your first use of the Website. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, you should stop using the Website immediately. In these terms and conditions, User or Users means any third party that accesses the Website and is not either (i) employed by London Premier Centre and acting in the course of their employment or (ii) engaged as a consultant or otherwise providing services to London Premier Centre and accessing the Website in connection with the provision of such services. You must be at least 18 years of age to use this Website. By using the Website and agreeing to these terms and conditions, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age.


- Intellectual property and acceptable use:


  1. All Content included on the Website, unless uploaded by Users, is the property of London Premier Centre, our affiliates or other relevant third parties. In these terms and conditions, Content means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website, including any such content uploaded by Users. By continuing to use the Website you acknowledge that such Content is protected by copyright, trademarks, database rights and other intellectual property rights. Nothing on this site shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, logo or service mark displayed on the site without the owner’s prior written permission.
  2. You may, for your own personal, non-commercial use only, do the following:
  3. retrieve, display and view the Content on a computer screen.
  4. print one copy of the Content.
  5. You must not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy, distribute or use for commercial purposes any Content without the written permission of London Premier Centre.


- Prohibited use:


  1. You may not use the Website for any of the following purposes:
  2. in any way which causes, or may cause, damage to the Website or interferes with any other person’s use or enjoyment of the Website.
  3. in any way which is harmful, unlawful, illegal, abusive, harassing, threatening or otherwise objectionable or in breach of any applicable law, regulation, governmental order.
  4. making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of Content protected by copyright without the permission of the owner.


- Registration:


  1. You must ensure that the details provided by you on registration or at any time are correct and complete.
  2. You must inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provide when registering by updating your personal details to ensure we can communicate with you effectively.
  3. We may suspend or cancel your registration with immediate effect for any reasonable purposes or if you breach these terms and conditions.
  4. You may cancel your registration at any time by informing us in writing to the address at the end of these terms and conditions. If you do so, you must immediately stop using the Website. Cancellation or suspension of your registration does not affect any statutory rights.
  5. Use of the Website is also governed by our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these terms and conditions by this reference.


- Availability of the Website and disclaimers:


  1. Any online facilities, tools, services or information that London Premier Centre makes available through the Website (the Service) is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis.
  2. We give no warranty that the Service will be free of defects and/or faults. To the maximum extent permitted by the law, we provide no warranties (express or implied) of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of the information, compatibility and satisfactory quality. London Premier Centre is under no obligation to update information on the Website.
  3. Whilst London Premier Centre uses reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Website is secure and free of errors, viruses and other malware, we give no warranty or guaranty in that regard and all Users take responsibility for their own security, that of their personal details and their computers.
  4. London Premier Centre accepts no liability for any disruption or non-availability of the Website.
  5. London Premier Centre reserves the right to alter, suspend or discontinue any part (or the whole of) of the Website including, but not limited to, any products and/or services available.
  6. Use of the Website is also governed by our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these terms and conditions by this reference.


These terms and conditions shall continue to apply to any modified version of the Website unless it is expressly stated otherwise. These terms and conditions may be varied by us from time to time. Such revised terms will apply to the Website from the date of publication. Users should check the terms and conditions regularly to ensure familiarity with the then current version. These terms and conditions together with the Privacy Policy contain the whole agreement between the parties relating to its subject matter and supersede all prior discussions, arrangements or agreements that might have taken place in relation to the terms and conditions.


- Fees


Programme fees include instruction, all seminar materials, refreshments, and Transport from & to the airport served during the entire seminar, but not hotel accommodation.


- Method of Payment


The delegate has the option to pay the course fee directly or request to send an invoice to his/her company/sponsor.


- Cancellation / Substitution


If you are unable to attend the training course which you have booked, you have three options: (Your decision needs to be sent to us in writing prior to the course)

  • Send a substitute in your place

     Someone else from your organisation can attend in your place, however, notification of this needs to be sent to LPC beforehand.

  • Transfer to another course

      This can be done two weeks or more before the date of the original course. You are unable to transfer to another course less than two weeks beforehand. The course which you transfer to has to be within the next 8 months, and you are only able to transfer your booking once. If there is no attendance at a transferred booking, then no refund will be granted.

  • Receive a refund

The amount refunded will depend on when you confirm you are no longer able to attend the course and request a refund. The table below states the percentage of the training course cost that will be refunded to you depending on the number of days notice given.


- Refrain from completing the course:

 The participant’s failure to attend all or part of the course for any reason after the start date does not give him/her the right to request any refund of all or part of the fees paid or due.

- Cancellation due to adverse weather or other unforeseen circumstances:

In the event of adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances: We offer Three options for the Participant to select one from (According to Participant preference):

  1. We will endeavour to reschedule the course or if the rearranged date is unsuitable, delegates will be offered a free charge transfer to the new course data.
  2.  Providing a digital session instead.
  3. Or A 50% refund of the course fees.

- Trainer Dissatisfaction:

In the event that a trainee is dissatisfied with the trainer's expertise, we provide two alternative solutions:

Trainer Replacement: Subject to availability, we will replace the current trainer with another qualified trainer to continue the course.

Online Sessions: Alternatively, we offer online sessions to cover the course material with a different, highly knowledgeable trainer.

- Procedure for Alternatives:


Trainees who wish to request a trainer replacement or opt for online sessions due to dissatisfaction with the trainer's knowledge must notify the administrative office within the first two weeks of the course.

The administrative office will coordinate the trainer replacement or the scheduling of online sessions based on availability.

These offers are only valid for one request per enrollee.

- Supplementary Sessions:


Suppose any course or part of it does not meet the participants' expectations. He/She has the right to send an email explaining the reasons. We will review this and will be obligated to provide free make-up ( supplementary) sessions online with a specialized trainer so that the participant achieves the expected benefit.



 - Hotel Accommodation


Is not included in the course fee. A reduced corporate rate and a limited number of rooms may be available for participants wishing to stay at the hotel venue. Requests for hotel reservations should be made at least three (3) weeks prior to the start of the program. All hotel accommodation is strictly subject to availability and terms and conditions imposed by the hotel will apply.


- Force Majeure:


Any circumstances beyond the control of the Company may necessitate postponement, change of seminar venue or substitution of assigned Instructor. The Company reserves the right to exercise this clause and implement such amendments.

- Course Registration and Participation

At the London Premier Centre (LPC), we are committed to providing a great learning experience for every student. Once you register for a course, we will ensure it is scheduled on your chosen date. We welcome other students who may be interested in joining the same session, and we make every effort to bring together a group of learners. However, if no other clients register for that course by the start date, the course will still proceed as planned.

Please note that the London Premier Centre (LPC) guarantees that all courses will be conducted as scheduled, regardless of the number of participants. We understand the value of your time and commitment, and we promise that your learning journey will not be delayed, whether you attend alone or with others. Our commitment is to ensure that the course will take place as advertised, whether with a single participant or multiple participants.

Please Note: Fees, dates, and speakers are subject to change. LPC’s liability is limited to reimbursement of paid programme fees.