How To Create A Winning Pitch Deck for Investors

business start-up training in Istanbul

Posted on Mar 24, 2023 at 10:03 PM

Creating a winning pitch deck for investors is essential for any entrepreneur seeking funding for their business.

A pitch deck is a presentation that outlines the critical elements of your business, including your product or service, market opportunity, financial projections, and team. The pitch deck is typically presented to potential investors, such as venture capitalists or angel investors, to persuade them to invest in your company.

Learn more about the pitch deck definition, what the pitch deck includes, and the most effective tips to do a powerful pitch deck.


What Is A Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck is a presentation in which entrepreneurs or startups pitch their business or product to potential investors.

Typically, the pitch deck includes slides that provide an overview of the company's business model, target market, financial projections, and the team behind the business.

The goal of a pitch deck is to persuade investors to provide funding for the company's growth or development as a part of business management principles every entrepreneur must know.

The term "pitch deck" comes from the idea that the presentation is used to "pitch" the business to potential investors, who will then decide whether or not to "invest" in the company.

The pitch deck term has become widely used in the startup and venture capital communities, it is now commonly used to refer to any presentation to describe a business or idea to potential investors or partners.


What Does A Pitch Deck Include?

A pitch deck typically includes the following types of slides:

  1. Executive summary: A brief business overview, including its mission, target market, and key differentiators.
  2. Problem and solution: The pitch deck includes a description of the problem the business is addressing and how the product or service offered by the company solves that problem.
  3. Market opportunity: An analysis of the size and potential of the market for the product or service, including any relevant data or research.
  4. Product or service: The pitch deck must highlight the product or service offered, including its features, benefits, and target market.
  5. Go-to-market strategy: A description of how the business plans to reach and sell to its target market to build a more robust pitch deck.
  6. Team: An explanation of the founders and key team members, including their backgrounds and relevant experience.
  7. Financial projections: A financial plan for the business, including forecasts for revenue, expenses, and profitability.
  8. Funding request: An explanation of how much funding the startup seeks and how it will be used.
  9. Current status and plans: An update on the current status of the business and a description of its plans must be included in the pitch deck.

It is important to remember that a pitch deck is meant to summarise the business and its potential, so it is essential to be concise and focus on the most critical information.

The pitch deck presentation should be visually appealing and well-organised, with clear and concise language.


12 Tips for Creating A Winning Pitch Deck:

business start-up training in Istanbul

1-     Keep It Simple and Concise:

A pitch deck should be brief and to the point, avoid using jargon or overly complex language, aim for 10-15 slides in the pitch deck presentation, and use clear and concise language to explain your business and its value proposition.


2-     Start with A Strong Introduction:

The first slide of your pitch deck should grab your audience's attention and clearly articulate the problem your business solves, use this slide to set the stage for the rest of your pitch deck presentation.


3-     Clearly Define Your Target Market:

Investors want to know who your customers are and how you plan to reach them from your pitch deck, do so by using data and research to define your target market and describe your go-to-market strategy clearly.


4-     Articulate Your Unique Value Proposition:

What sets your business apart from the competition? Clearly explain your product or service's unique value proposition in the pitch deck and how it addresses your target market's needs.


5-     Outline Your Financial Projections:

Investors want a clear path to profitability, use data and research to create realistic financial projections and show how your business will generate revenue and grow over time.

Here is an example of how to outline financial projections for a business in the pitch deck:

  • Start the pitch deck by identifying your target market and determining the size of the market, this will help you understand how much revenue you can generate.
  • Determine your pricing strategy: Will you charge a premium for your products or services or offer them competitively?
  • Estimate your costs: This includes fixed costs (such as rent and salaries) and variable costs (such as raw materials and shipping).
  • Develop a sales forecast; the pitch deck must include estimates for the number of units you will sell and the price you will sell them for.
  • Use this information to create a profit and loss statement, and show your projected revenues, costs, and profits over a specific period.
  • Create a cash flow projection in the pitch deck to show how much cash you will have coming in and going out over time, and it will help you identify potential shortfalls or surpluses.
  • Finally, create a balance sheet to show your assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific time.


6-     Introduce Your Team:

Investors want a strong and capable team executing the business's vision; thus, use this slide in the pitch deck presentation to highlight the skills and experience of your team members.


7- Conclude with A Solid Call to Action:

End your pitch deck with a clear call to action, such as requesting specific funding or a follow-up meeting.

Here is an example of a call to action at the end of a pitch deck:

"Thank you for considering our proposal. We are confident that our solution has the potential to make a significant impact in the [industry/market]. We are seeking a funding commitment of $500,000 to help us bring this solution to market. We would like to schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss the details further and answer any questions you may have. Please let us know if you are interested in taking the next steps with us, and we will make arrangements for the meeting. Thank you again for your time and consideration."


8-     Focus on The Problem and Solution:

In addition to introducing your business and value proposition, it is essential to clearly articulate the problem your business is solving in the pitch deck and how your solution addresses that problem.


9-     Use Visuals to Support Your Message:

Visuals such as charts, graphs, and images can bring your message to life and make it easier for your audience to understand your business pitch deck.


10- Practice, Practice, Practice:

It is essential to practise your pitch deck to deliver it with confidence and clarity. Practice with friends, family, or colleagues to get feedback and improve your presentation skills.


11- Customise Your Pitch for Your Audience:

Make sure to tailor your pitch deck to your audience's specific needs and interests; for example, if you are pitching to a group of technical investors, you should focus more on the technical aspects of your business and solution.


12- Be Prepared for Questions:

Investors will likely have questions about your business in the pitch deck, so it is essential to be ready to answer them and make sure you have a solid understanding of your business model, financial projections, and competitive landscape.


By following these tips and joining our business start-up training in Istanbul, you can create a winning pitch deck that effectively communicates the value of your business and persuades investors to invest in your company. Good luck!