Performance Management: HR Procedures That Drive Success

HR Procedures

Posted on Dec 05, 2023 at 11:12 PM

Human resources procedures (HR procedures) are the building block of how companies conduct business, and having systematic and organised HR procedures is one of the critical standards you should have in your company.

This article outlines some of these HR procedures that ensure success, which you should implement today.

HR processes: a manual for success

HR procedures help manage staff and guide their performance, engagement, compliance and overall success. Here are some popular HR practices you should do to manage your department:


  • Recruitment and selection:

A flourishing human resources career starts with hiring the most suitable persons and placing them in the most appropriate positions. A proper employment procedure considers a candidate’s fit in the organisation, skills, and qualifications. The adoption of a robust and detailed candidate selection strategy will help you secure personnel who have competency and are in sync with the organisation’s vision. This forms the ground for a high-performing team.

  • Onboarding and orientation:

When recruiting new employees, setting them up for success starts from the first day. Orientation and an inclusive introduction process help recruits blend smoothly. It orientates them with company culture, policies, and procedures and provides the relevant equipment and skills for effective performance in their roles. Having a good onboarding program sets the basis for sustained employee engagement and success while preventing any harassment, discrimination or hostility happening among your team.

  • Performance Management:

Monitoring staff performance goes a long way to determine the organisation's success. Performance management systems (like HR KPIs) form part of HR processes, which help set expectations, give regular feedback and enable employees to sharpen their skills. Performance management encourages individuals to be responsible for the achievement of organisational objectives, as well as the need to improve continuously.

  • Learning and development:

Organisations need to grow their employees to retain them in the race for market position. Developing a sustainable HR

management process, which focuses on learning and development, will equip employees with skills and knowledge essential for better performance in their work roles. Training programs, mentoring initiatives, and professional development opportunities through which organisations can grow and build a culture of continuous learning.


  • Compensation and rewards:

Talented workers can be enticed and retained by implementing fair and competitive salary packages and equal pay. Appropriate compensation processes after evaluation and performance-oriented compensations and recognition schemes (like a promotion) give purpose and encourage employees to share their utmost. In addition, using a comprehensive total rewards approach rather than focusing on monetary compensation alone can heighten employee satisfaction and loyalty, thus resulting in improved productivity and leading to overall success.


  • Employee engagement and relations:

It is essential to develop efficient communication, feedback, and resolution of disputes in an excellent working environment. Therefore, HR procedures that consider employee engagement are crucial towards developing a familiar feeling of belonging and open dialogue between staff and management. Employees who are engaged in their work tend to produce high levels of productivity, ultimately leading to organisational success as a whole.


  • Employee training and development:

With the changing business environment and fierce competition, no organisation should lack the training and development of its employees. Employees’ skill sets may get different over time due to changes in organisational needs. As a result, it is necessary to create continuous training programs for acquiring the skills and knowledge that an organisation requires.


How do you streamline your HR procedures?

 Companies are now looking for ways to streamline their HR procedures more than ever. Here are some suggestions for yours:

  • The first step is to provide your team with a list of guidelines for each procedure; make sure you create a policy or a set of rules and leave no room for doubt.

  • Offer guidance to those who need it; some people might need help understanding certain things, and providing them with online courses in UAE is the solution to this lack of knowledge.

  • Document everything; a lot may need to be recovered by mistake or neglect. That's why documentation is essential. Keep everything in writing through files or record books and make it accessible across all departments so everyone in the workplace can contribute and practice putting their progress into documents.

  • Establish a framework for communication: ensuring that every part of the workforce is well respected and content m. Ensure that your employees are well informed about the company and what it does, its goals and vision, and any changes in the pipeline. It will help them understand why they're working for you and what they can expect.


HR  procedures serve as a beautiful resource for management. Still, the tool will only go as far as the person using it, so learn more today and make the most out of the benefits of this excellent tool that has the potential to make HR procedures a lot easier for managers to retain employees and attract new talents.