The Customer Service & Public Relations Masterclass

Course Info

Date: May-06-2024

Length: 2 Weeks

City: Kuala Lumpur

Fees: 7,650

Type: In Classroom

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  • Sep-30-2024

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  • Oct-07-2024

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  • Nov-04-2024

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  • Dec-02-2024

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  • Dec-30-2024

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  • Sep-23-2024


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  • Dec-30-2024


Course Details

Course Outline

10 days course


The world of customer service excellence


  • Customer service and what it means.
  • Recognising excellence in front-line customer services.
  • What are the services and products that you offer?
  • The role of NLP and Emotional Excellence in customer service.
  • What do your customers say about you and your organisation?
  • What do you want your customers to say?
  • Fantasies and legends about customer service


 Gaining a greater comprehension of your company


  • From decisions to behavioural flexibility.
  • Behavioural traits and how to identify them.
  • Modifying your own behaviour to match others.
  • Building lasting rapport.
  • Sharpen your senses to the signals others are sending you.
  • Connect with colleagues and clients at a level that creates deeper trust and commitment.
  • Step into another person’s shoes to better appreciate their experiences and motivations.
  • Body language clues that show how others are thinking and responding to you.
  • Non-verbal clues that show if someone is telling the truth.


Advanced Communication


  • What is crystal clear communication?
  • Communication excellence through powerful listening and questioning techniques.
  • Thinking patterns.
  • Filters to communication.
  • Metaphors and Models.
  • Using perceptual positions to understand your customers’ point of view.
  • Logical levels of change.
  • Building climates of trust.
  • Creating well-formed outcomes.
  • Communication skills exercises.


Impacting with integrity


  • The importance of value sets in modern day business.
  • Influencing the Influencers and high fliers.
  • The importance of matching others’ language patterns.
  • Mirroring and pacing – what do they mean?
  • Internal and external references.
  • Coaching – a tool for self and others.
  • Influencing exercises.


Conflict, challenge and closure
  • Confidence and what it means.
  • Dealing with difficult people in an assertive way.
  • Dealing with difficult customers.
  • Maintaining high standards of customer service.
  • Reviewing the service that you offer and reacting accordingly.
  • Embracing change for the good of all.
  • Personal planning session – dealing with your own customers.


The 21st Century Communicator
  • The role of Communications PR in the organisation. 
  • The range of media and channels.
  • Neuroeconomics and the behaviour of our stakeholders.
  • A problem-solving approach.
  • Personal goal-setting for the programme.


From theory to successful practise


  • Communications models: implications for practise.
  • Psychological themes and construction in practise.
  • The art of influence and persuasion.
  • Ethics and communications.
  • Organisational transparency and communications.
  • Taking and interpreting communication briefs.


The Medium is the Message
  • Managing stakeholder relations. 
  • Choosing channels – matching media to tasks and stakeholders.
  • Composing and editing for print.
  • Composing for the web.
  • Organising face-to-face events.


 E-Management x Communication
  • Improving the power of communications in the organisation and between the organisation and its stakeholders.
  • Measuring communications effectiveness.
  • Using measurement to improve performance.
  • Crisis communication.
  • Reputation management.


Putting it All Together
  • Planning your career and personal development.
  • Influencing positively on your managers.
  • Managing up and increasing your personal visibility.
  • Networking and effectiveness.
  • Team working and your personal effectiveness.
  • Time management and work planning.
  • Summary and Conclusion.

Course Video