Job shadowing: Your best tool for staff qualification

HR training courses in Dubai

Posted on May 19, 2023 at 08:05 PM

Job shadowing is one of the best forms of on-the-job training. It is an ideal program for new employees, trainees, university students, and old employees who move from one job to another within the company.


Large and small companies often look for new ways to train their teams and qualify their new employees to become more productive quickly.

In this article, we have therefore explained the term "job shadowing", its business systems, and strategies when applied in a company.


What is the term job shadowing?

Job Shadowing is one form of On-job-training program that allows students or those in the labour market to learn about employees' skills and tasks by monitoring them within two weeks or less.


Job shadowing is a modern term in the business world, appearing for the first time in the last century and then recently spread among Arab countries in Qatar, UAE, Sharjah, Kuwait, and many other international and Arab countries.


It aims to develop the abilities and skills of employees and prospects to work. Under the Job Shadow Program, students follow a competent expert and learn how to work or participate in learning practical tasks.


Why do companies use job shadowing?

The concept of employment was based on the choice of an employee with a CV approval. Thus, this method quickly changed when companies noticed that there were many additional skills that all employees had to possess. The idea of job shadowing stemmed from the need for a new framework whereby employers could more accurately identify work requirements.


The job shadow helps new employees better understand the organisation by familiarising them with the company's culture and work environment more deeply. It can also allow employees in a particular department to train alongside more experienced coworkers to improve their job skills.

The concept of job rotation accompanies job shadowing, as both are similar in making the company more vibrant and more skilled employees.


What are the forms of the functional shadow program?

Many forms of job shadowing fall within the office and e-training in addition to practical training. Here are three primary forms of job shadowing programs:

  • Office form:

The university students and those willing to work with the time and ability to be in the primary duty station are targeted. The participant in this format observes the mentor's work to acquire his experience but does not entrust him with any work assignments.


  • Usable form:

This is a form through which the shadow trainee performs, assists, or experiences some of the trainee's training tasks over a week or more. This form is the best way of training and practical application.


  • Electronic format:

In this format, online communication and discussion of ideas and tasks are carried out online, where it is possible to communicate via video or show some photos to participants and explain. This form became famous after the global pandemic hit coronavirus, as most people lost the ability to be in the office and had to launch a new way of learning and working remotely.


When is the job shadowing program used?

Job shadowing is effective in occupations where day-to-day skills and hands-on training are more important than that theory or when viewing is an essential element of learning. The participant in the shadow career program shows how to perform the job at the helm. By doing so, participants recognise all aspects of the company, from its policy and departments to financial information and resource organisation.


In addition to their familiarity with the elements of the company, the participants in the shadow career program experience the desired personal interaction, practical communication skills, and the steps and procedures needed to perform the job effectively. This helps to qualify more job-ready employees.

Although all posts can harness the available shadow as part of their development and qualification framework.


A job shadow is particularly effective in the following functions:

  • Restaurant staff: Bartenders, waiters, chefs, or hosts.
  • Medical professions: Whether nurses, doctors, radiologists, surgeons, or treatment providers.
  • Security professions: Security officers or security escorts.
  • Free-trade works: Such as carpentry or hand workshops.
  • Media professions: Such as radio, communication, television information, or media correspondence.


A job shadowing officer can attend meetings, participate as a shadow in brainstorming sessions, take notes during planning sessions, debrief executives and participate in various events.

What are the features of the job shadowing program?


One of the benefits is that you can perform some practical tasks in addition to the employee's involvement in making some plans and doing some studies, allowing you to discover high abilities and qualifications you did not know existed.


You can also make an appropriate plan for the job you want to do in the future. You can choose a profession best suited to you when you monitor different disciplines closely and then choose between them. For example, if you tend to work for a government, prefer the private sector, or want to work within a bank or a local branch of a global company.


When you receive training provided by qualified and specialised experts and then work under his supervision, you can learn about experiences academically and professionally.


Not to mention, job shadowing offers you a better chance to get a job in the future; think a little bit. Have other students visited the actual job market? Did they accompany an employee and learn about his duties?


Many young people, such as college students and graduates, are coming to work. Competition becomes more prominent every day, but you will have a preference over all applicants because you have visited the labour market and gained fundamental skills.


In conclusion,

Job shadowing is one of the best practical training methods that has emerged in the past, as it opens up the space for the rapid development of all companies and employees.


Suppose you want to learn more about how this system is applied within your company and other organisational HR methods. In that case, you can go to HR training courses in Dubai.