workflow strategies: 6 proven strategies for improving productivity

Workflow Strategies

Posted on Oct 15, 2023 at 11:10 PM

Ineffective workflow strategies can destroy the dreams employers want in terms of productivity and effectiveness to an unimaginable extent. Some studies have found that business losses due to inefficiency amount to 20-30% of their revenues.

Thus, some simple improvements in workflow strategies and functioning make them more efficient; the following article defines the process while clarifying some effective workflow strategies to ensure increased productivity.


What are workflow strategies?

The term "workflow", by definition, is a variety of steps taken to complete a specific project or task, including the identification of studies, tracking of progress, and approval or rejection of completed work, so in the preparation of a unified and reliable workflow strategy all tasks can be ensured effectively and efficiently.

The workflow strategy should include several factors, namely:

  • What steps have been taken to complete the project or task?

  • Who is responsible for executing each step?

  • How long does it take to complete each step?

  • How can the progress of task implementation be tracked and reported?

Although workflow improvement strategies may seem like modern strategies, they are already outdated and go back to the beginning of manufacturing lines, where each worker was responsible for accomplishing a different task as part of the overall process of learning how to be a successful management assistant affiliated with us in the next paragraph to see the most critical business strategies that will enhance productivity.

What are the most critical workflow strategies for improving productivity?

Workflow strategies are essential to efficiently and effectively accomplish tasks in a modern working environment. Here are some practical business strategies:

Workflow Strategies

  • Assessment of processes currently used:

To begin with, a list must be drawn up that identifies all processes currently implemented. The list may include how to deal with email, tracking and managing tasks, or the communication mechanism with others in the team and others. Once the list is prepared, all similar processes must be grouped to evaluate each other's performance based on efficiency. This is done by answering the following questions:

  • What is the goal and time needed for each operation?

  • What are the potential weaknesses?

  • Can any step be dispensed with or automated?

  • What are the ways to streamline those processes?

By answering those questions, it is possible to identify areas that require improvement in the company, a process can be found that requires less time than is the subject of it or that can be simplified or automated.


  • Learn to prioritise effectively:

One of the most important lessons of management is learning to effectively define goals and priorities, one of the most essential skills to learn. Some things cannot be postponed, while others can be implemented within hours, days, or months; enough time must be taken to assess all the tasks and objectives required and prioritise their implementation from the most urgent to the least.

Many methods help prioritise; one of the most common is the Eisenhower Matrix method, which helps divide tasks into four categories:

  • Urgent and important tasks.

  • Important but not urgent tasks.

  • Urgent but not important tasks.

  • Non-urgent and unimportant tasks.

By sorting tasks across the four categories, priorities and speed of implementation can be determined. Another standard method is the ABCDE method, which divides tasks into 5 categories as follows:

  • A-class tasks that are urgent priority require immediate implementation.

  • B-class tasks that are a medium priority but require performance soon.

  • C-class tasks are small priority tasks that bear deferral for some time.

  • D-class tasks can be excluded.

  • E-class tasks are not directly related to work.

  • Learn about the workforce available:

The right person in the right place is the best way to maintain the efficiency of the workforce in any working group, so you should take the time to know both the skills and abilities of your employees, their strengths and weaknesses, their preferred working methods, what will motivate them and drive them forward, and what tasks they have proven worthy of implementing.

In obtaining all such data, the decision can be made to select the right staff, distinguish the difference between the staff, identify each staff member's role, make the most of his or her strengths and skills, and establish an effective and motivated team.

In any work, placing a person in the right place for him will be a win for him and the team, and thus, the employee will reduce the lost resources and time wasted and enhance his sense of appreciation and satisfaction.


  • Mastering communication strategies:

Good communication is the key to success, regardless of the type of work done, when team members can communicate effectively with each other. The results will be better. This means that communication protocols must be developed, and all team members must verify their understanding.

To develop an effective communication strategy, you must follow the following tips:

  1. Identifying clear lines of communication for different tasks helps ensure everyone is there and determines who is responsible for answering each question or problem.

  2. Adopt messaging apps, chat, and meeting tools such as Slack, Google Hangouts, or Microsoft Teams to facilitate communication.

  3. Encourage everyone to interact and communicate with others honestly and openly, including helping others and not being embarrassed when seeking help.

  4. Making sure everyone knows the specific times to respond to different types of communication, such as when a person sends a quick question, may not require an immediate response. However, when a problem occurs, it must be quickly addressed.

  5. Develop escalation protocols when contact is disconnected, such as developing a plan that clarifies steps to address a problem and getting everyone back on track in some cases of ineffective communication.

  6. Continuous verification of staff comfort with communication strategies used to make required adjustments.


  • Use of available tools:

Today, there are tools and applications for each stage of work, ranging from communication to task management, design, and prototyping. Using the appropriate application for each step increases productivity, saves time and relieves headaches from manually tracking task execution.

For example, when working with a team, Asana enables the tool to create and assign tasks while sharing files and communicating with them in real time. Sketch may be better used than Photoshop for the many features it offers.

Tools help eliminate conjecture during operations and help move forward more quickly and efficiently. Examples of tools that can be used are Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InVision, Trello, and many others.

  • Continuous review of workflow:

Successful management is the one that remains in constant search for other improvements. This must also be applied to the workflow. The process must be constantly analysed and reviewed to ensure its effectiveness. Are there any steps that can be assembled or cancelled? Are there any automated tasks? Can any process be streamlined? All are questions worth exploring.

An appropriate way to ensure that you stay in a continuous review and update is to select a specific day from each week to perform any new search and work on updating anything that needs to be done; this ensures a smoother operation.



These were the essential business tips and strategies that would increase efficiency and productivity if appropriately implemented; here is the office management online training for more management ideas.