Google Bard Integrates Gemini Pro for Global Image Generation and Advanced Fact-Checking

Google Bard Integrates Gemini Pro for Global Image Generation and Advanced Fact-Checking

Posted on Feb 17, 2024 at 11:02 PM

Google has recently made significant updates to Bard, their AI system, incorporating generative AI features into Google Maps and enhancing Bard itself with new capabilities. The most notable update is the integration of Gemini Pro, Google's latest multimodal AI model, across all languages and regions where Bard is available. This is a step forward from its previous limitation to English, enhancing Bard's abilities in understanding, reasoning, summarising, and coding.

A groundbreaking addition to Bard's capabilities is image generation. This feature is powered by the latest model in Google's Imagen 2 series, designed to create high-quality, photorealistic images quickly. Users can now input a description into Bard's text box to receive "custom, wide-ranging visuals" that bring their ideas to life. This service is freely available in English in most countries around the world.Google Bard Integrates Gemini Pro for Global Image Generation and Advanced Fact-Checking
To ensure the authenticity of the AI-generated images, Bard utilises SynthID, a technology that embeds easily identifiable digital watermarks into the photos. This helps distinguish between AI-generated images and actual human artwork. However, Bard also has ethical guidelines; for example, it will not create images that could promote harmful activities or violate privacy, such as generating pictures of specific individuals without enough data or engaging in prohibited actions.

Google has also improved Bard's fact-checking abilities by integrating it with Google search results in over 40 languages, allowing users to verify Bard's outputs directly. This feature is available across 230 countries and highlights Bard's position as one of the top-performing AIs globally.

The updates to Bard, especially the addition of image generation capabilities and enhanced fact-checking, mark Google's ongoing efforts to provide more advanced and ethical AI tools to users worldwide. These enhancements improve user experience by offering more creative and reliable AI interactions and demonstrate Google's commitment to responsible AI use, balancing innovation with ethical considerations and user safety.

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