The key difference between management and leadership

management training courses in London

Posted on Jan 07, 2022 at 08:01 PM

Is a good manager a successful leader? And what's the Key difference between management and leadership?

Together, in this article, we will learn about the fundamental differences between a leader and a manager through a simple comparison of their respective features.


What is Leadership?

Leadership is the skill of mobilizing the expertise and energies of the team to work in a single spirit to achieve a shared vision.


What is Management?

Management is the art of controlling the processes of reaching a company's goals by making the right decisions, organizing tasks, and planning for success.


Key differences between leadership and management:

The main difference between leadership and management is:

Leadership is to encourage team members to carry out their tasks. Management is the process of orderly task management.

  • Leadership requires confidence between team members and their commander. Unlike management, which needs the Director's control of his staff.

  • Leadership is the skill of influencing others. While management is a way to control them.

  • Leadership requires the leader's sight, but the Department only has a short-term view of the manager.

  • In leadership, principles and guidelines are developed, while in the case of management, specific plans and procedures are implemented.

  • Leadership is proactive. On the contrary, management is inherently reactive.

  • Leadership is managing change. On the other hand, governance brings stability to work.

  • Inspiration, a key point in leadership. Management is key to planning.

  • Leadership is focused on planning. The Department is merely implementing them properly.


Although there are these differences between leadership and management, we must get to know what they have in common.


Areas where management and leadership overlap:


Can you, as an individual, be a leader if you're not a manager at your job?

When you hear the word "leadership," your mind goes directly to leading individuals and managing others. 

But leadership is really about impact, and one of the advantages of driving is that you can influence people without being the person who signs leave applications or gives them an increase in their salaries. 

The great thing about this leadership area is that you have to keep working with all the enthusiasm and passion and focus on doing whatever you like to do.

Another wonderful thing is that the future of work may be on this side of the leadership.

In your career, it doesn't matter to be a real leader but to have a leader manner

One report from Bain & company Entrepreneurship Company states that 10 years from now, employees will not have permanent bosses, but instead will have mentors or motivators who help guide their careers to achieve their goals from project to project.


How to become a successful manager with more leadership qualities?

John C. Maxwell, author of "21 Uncontested Laws in Leadership," says:

(The real measure of leadership is impact, no more, no less.) 

So if you're a manager and want to activate your leadership, you can only be more flexible and innovative, and start by motivating your staff to work more effectively, drawing up growth plans together with future work, supporting the team to innovate by fulfilling its tasks, and creating a supportive environment in the company by providing all the necessary resources and tools that will facilitate the work.


Finally, to be a supporting leader, it is essential to encourage the members of your company's team to develop their leadership skills by attending management training courses in London.